Speed-Gradient-Based Control of Power Network: Case Study
Igor Furtat, Nikita Tergoev, Olga Tomchina, Faruk Kazi, Navdeep Singh
In this paper the problem of improvement of stability and performance for the power networks by means of control is addressed. An approach based on using an invariant function depending on the system variables and the speed-gradient method for control design proposed in (Pchelkina I, Fradkov A. Combined Speed-Gradient Đ¡ontrolled Synchronization of Multimachine Power Systems. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 2013, Vol. 46, Is. 12) is extended. The algorithm of Pchelkina and Fradkov is modified to make the control system design
more flexible. Stability and performance of the closed loop system are studied for the case of the network consisting of three generators. Simulation results illustrating the system dynamics are presented.
CYBERNETICS AND PHYSICS, Vol. 5, No. 3. 2016, 85–90.