IPACS Electronic library


Leonardo Acho
A Delta modulator technique to drive the chaotic Duffing oscillator . . . 4
Boris Andrievsky and Peter Guzenko
Energy speed-gradient control of nonlinear satellite oscillations ..... 9
Teturo Itami
Quantum agents that obey Bose distribution . . 16
Tatiana Khantuleva and Kamil Abdullaev
Internal control in nonequilibrium physical processes . . . . . 21
Begona Mediano-Valiente and M. Isabel Garcia-Planas
Modelling of a clamped-pinned pipeline conveying fluid for vibrational stability analysis . . . . . . . . . . 28
Gerasimos Rigatos, Pierluigi Siano and Ivan Arsie
Nonlinear embedded control of spark-ignited engines using the derivative-free nonlinear Kalman filter . . . . 38
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